
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Simply Good Weekend

Over the weekend, Brit Boy and I went down to the market town of Devizes and did some errands. We like it down there. It’s a nice little town with cozy little walkways between the shops. As we did our errands we picked up some food at the supermarket for our lunch. Then we walked back to our car. We sat in the car underneath a beautiful canopy of trees and listened to the radio as we ate our lunch. We shared a pasta salad and had sandwiches…we hadn’t had breakfast so we were hungry ;-) It was really good! I think that the combination of good food, good music and the scenery were just the right way to spend our day. I love days like that. It just reminds me that the simple things in life are indeed the beauty of life. Here are a couple of photos I took from the car after we finished eating. The trees were beautiful. Here’s a bit of our view.

On Sunday, I was in a baking mood and autumn always makes me muffin crazy, so this was my snack on Sunday afternoon and it was so good :-)

I made apple cinnamon muffins. The house smelled great as they were baking. I just love those apple cinnamon aromas during this time of the year. Don’t you? :-) It just smells like autumn.

Brit Boy has been having a couple for breakfast every morning and I’ve been having them too, so we’re starting to run low. So now I’m off to replenish the supply. Talk to you later!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Circle of Friends

Today I'm going to post the other award I received. I posted the inspiration award a couple of days ago and today I want to pass along the Circle of Friends Award. I received this from a great new friend at WAHM Resource Site. Please check it out over there :-)

This award is a great one. I like this award because to me, reaching out to new friends is one of the best things about blogging. I'd like to pass this one along to:

Health Nut Wannabee Mom
Mama Asid's Entrepod
Theresa's Treasures
WillOaks Studio
Regina's Family Seasons
From Ohio With Love

And also, I'd like to pass it along to all who visit my blog. This one should be really passed around, so take it and enjoy! :-)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Yesterday I turned in my latest assignment for my course. I have a few more to go and then I’ll be done. It’s been interesting and I’ve certainly learned a lot about article and feature writing. It has been an eye opener. My next assignment is to write a package for a tv or radio show and a treatment for a half hour television documentary or feature on a particular topic. I have to outline the packages and write out a portion of the actual shows, not the whole thing. This is the part of the course that I’ve been looking forward to most. It will be a challenge, but it will totally take me out of my comfort zone, so this will be a good learning experience. Wish me luck! :-)

In other news, recently I’ve been given two awards from bloggy friends and I wanted to finally highlight them. I was so grateful to receive them, but haven’t had the chance to mention them with all my school work. Well today I have that chance :-) I’ll do one award today and the other one tomorrow.

The first one is the Most Inspirational Blog Award that I received from June at Cen’s Loft. Let me just say, she inspires me with her creativity. She has a great blog on scrapbooking and crafts mixed with stories from her everyday life. Please check her out!

It was hard to decide who to pass this award on to because there are so many blogs that I read that inspire me. Here are my picks, even though the list could have been twenty or more blogs long :-) This is why they inspire me....

Getting Busy Living – because this is my Brit Boy’s blog and the title of his blog is our shared philosophy in life. My husband inspires me every day!

People You Need To Know – because this blog highlights inspiring people who inspire me to do more

Necessary Room – because her blog simply exudes calm whenever I visit...that’s inspiring

Writing To Survive – because her truly creative writing inspires me to look deeper

Operation You – because she celebrates self-love and love for the world around us...truly inspiring

Red Pine Mountain – because her words inspire beauty and her photos do the same

I hope that you enjoy visiting them all. They are truly great. Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Halloween at the Yellow House

Just wanted to check in and say hello...so Hello! :-) I've been working on a couple of school work assignments this week and it's going okay. The leaves are finally changing color more around where we live so I'm happy about that. I do love autumn/fall best of all :-)

We were out the other day and picked up a new decoration for the season...we love our decorations. We don't have a whole lot of them for Halloween, but we figure we will add them as the years go by. Anyway, we found this little jack-o-lantern figure and he's rather cute...don't you think? :-)

He's made out of metal and kind of bounces around when you poke him. He's kind of like a bobblehead. Let me tell you, I enjoy making him bounce way too much. LOL. We're all set for Halloween.

Hope you all have a great weekend! :-)

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Sunset and A Viewing Sunday

We had a nice quiet weekend around the Yellow House and sometimes that’s just what you need :-) Brit Boy did his Saturday cooking and I just loved that ;-) On Saturday evening we worked on a little project that we’ve been working on…more about that in the future :-) And then on Sunday we just took it easy on the couch. We also enjoyed a beautiful scene like this as the sun went down.

We usually have our DVD time on Sundays. We will sometimes watch a movie, but usually we watch a couple of TV shows we like on DVD. This started out as our West Wing DVD Sundays, but now they are The Waltons and West Wing Sundays :-)

Brit Boy is a full-on West Wing fan and has all the seasons on DVD. We’ve had the final season for a while, but have only recently started to watch it. Brit Boy wanted to savor it so we’ve delayed it a bit and watched the previous season again. This was good because in the past I was an in and out West Wing fan before, but now I’m all in :-) So this way I can catch up and follow the stories better.

I mentioned The Waltons. Well, Brit Boy bought me the first season DVD set of this a couple of Christmases ago. I’ve always been a fan of this show since I saw it as a little kid. Some people make jokes about this show, but I don’t mind. I love it. I love it because it reminds me in many ways of my own growing up and I loved that John Boy was a writer. The Walton family had seven kids and I was one of seven kids and their gently simple rural life reflected parts of my own. So whenever I watch this show it instantly takes me back to a time and place that is long gone now, but through this show I hear echoes of my life as a child with my parents :-) This way, how I grew up is never far away. I grew up decades after the times that this show is set in, but the story of family goes on forever.

Interestingly enough, Brit Boy likes watching too and I was a bit surprised by that in the beginning. However, I realized that even though he grew up across the ocean from me, the ties of family and tradition and nostalgia are universal. It’s like they say, we are often more alike than we are different.

So we watched an episode of The Waltons and then we watched an episode of The West Wing and it was great. We had a snack and I kept wishing that we still had a couple of slices of that cake that I made last week :-)

We had every kind of weather yesterday...we had rain, wind, and then a glorious blue sky in the afternoon. And that gave way to some amazing clouds that were lit up orange by the setting sun. Brit Boy and I just stood at the window and watched the show :-) We were mesmerized.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

My 200th & Some Cake As A Bonus

This is my 200th post and I’m very excited to have made it to this milestone. I know that many people have more, but I wanted to mark this day because it reminds me of what blogging has taught me…the value of sticking with something :-) Continually showing up here at the computer has definitely helped my discipline. Also this whole wonderful foray into blogging has given me a great creative outlet that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. And best of all, I’ve made some great friends. Who knew 199 posts ago that so much of my world would open up :-)

I look forward to many, many more posts in the future and they will certainly become more frequent again once I finish my course in a couple of weeks. Brit Boy and I are planning more outings coming up, so I’ll have lots of stories and photos to share about our adventures :-) Thanks everyone for continuing to visit me.

In other news, I made a cake this weekend and Brit Boy and I have been enjoying it over the past few days. It started out as an ordinary box cake mix and then I decided to rev it up a bit. So I ended up making a cake from scratch with cake mix incorporated into it, if that makes any sense :-) It was wild. It was like science in the kitchen. It ended up tasting very good and I’ll probably never be able to duplicate it again. Sometimes the sublime comes from the totally farcical. LOL.

Here’s my culinary invention. It’s a vanilla flavored cake with vanilla frosting, served with a dollop of ice cream and strawberries. It was so GOOD! It kind of ended up tasting very strawberry shortcake-esque. Now, I think I’ll go and see if Brit Boy is ready for round three of cake at the yellow house ;-) Talk to ya later!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2009

As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I've written before about my dedication to this cause and I wanted to highlight it once again. Together we can all do so much to help each other, every month of the year.

Here are some links if you'd like to know more:

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Cancer Research UK

I've also moved my button from www.thebreastcancersite.com right to the top of my page. This button is great because by clicking through to their site, you can find out about all kinds of ways to help and you are helping fund free mammograms for women in need. So please take a minute to click through :-)

Thanks for taking a moment to read this! Have a great weekend everyone!

And hey, my next post will be number 200...Woo Hoo! :-)