
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Back On This Side of the Pond

Hello there! :-) I just wanted to check in now that I'm back in the UK. I got back on Monday, but it's been a slow start for me. I'm feeling less jet lag today. And you all know how it is when you get back from a trip...it takes a few days to catch back up with your life, so that's what I'm doing :-)

I had a wonderful time back home in Georgia! I have more photos to share and some thoughts on my trip to share and I will be doing that this week. I was hoping to post again from Georgia in that last week, but we had a bout of technical difficulties with my sister's broadband so I just decided to wait and post from here.

I'm going through my photos today, so I hope to have a more vibrant post here in the next couple of days. Thanks for continuing to visit me and for always supporting me, you wonderful people :-) Have a great day and I'll be back with more to share.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Two Deer and Candy

I'm still here, back home in Georgia and everything has been lots of fun. I've been really getting around and hanging out with my niece and sister. Sometimes I've forgotten my camera, but I guess that I'm just getting lost in the fun :-)

My sisters and their families live right near each other on land that my great grandparents bought way back in the late 1890s. So for a long while my extended family has been living on that land. One of the good things about it is that even though you are close by everyone, there is still privacy because their are woods in between and space between the houses, so it works out fine. One thing I love are the paths that we have through the woods. This way, we can go from house to house and not have to take the main road.

The other morning, I was headed from one house to the other and I happened to catch sight of two baby deer. I fumbled to get my camera out because I had my hands full with other things too. Luckily though, the deer stayed around longer than I expected. When I finally got my camera out I snapped these quick photos. They're a little washed out, but you can still see these two cute little ones :-) Seeing them was a perfect way to start the day.

One of them eventually ran away into the woods, but this one stuck around a while longer.

Yesterday, I went to the outlet center with two of my sisters and my niece. It was great fun. I bought a few things, but my favorite things were these little candies. I'm easily amused ;-)

Actually my niece and I shared these. They taste great. They are slightly sweet and yet sour. Love them!!! :-) I'm feeling like a kid again these days!

Until next time...and hey I'm gonna keep my camera closer by ;-)

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Trip So Far - In Pictures

I'm really enjoying my time back home in Georgia. It's been hot, but I'm really enjoying the weather anyway. Reminds me of my summers growing up here :-) Here's the view out of my window at my sister's house. I love looking out at all of that green! window view through blinds This is a clump of spanish moss that my other sister brought home from Savannah. We were wondering if it would take root and grow since we live further north. Well, as you can see it's still thriving and it has been at least a decade or more since it was brought here. I love experiments that work ;-) Spanish moss in tree This is a plant that is native to the region and it is called butterfly root . It grows wild around here. According to one of my sisters, our grandmother used to make a tea out of this back in the day for medicinal purposes. I just love the pretty orange flower. butterfly root butterfly root This is my sister's birdhouse. The photo came out a little washed out, but you get the idea. My sister LOVES birdhouses. I think that's cool. If I were a bird, I'd love to drop in here from time to time :-) bird house on tree This is a photo that I took yesterday. I just love looking up through the canopy of leaves. The sun was making its presence known. sunlight through the trees Now, I'm heading out to take more photos and enjoy the day. I hope you have a great day wherever you are! Until next time...

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Packed For Home and Ready To Go

So the time is drawing near for my trip. It's all very exciting :) I've sorted through my stacks of clothes over and over and have finally found my wardrobe for this trip home...a bit of this and a bit of that. Here's my final stack.

Here's my electronics stack. I've been rounding up all of my wires and adaptors for my various UK and US plugs. Some of my things were bought back home and some were bought here, so I travel with my adaptors wherever I go. I've got my ipod ready and my camera, so it's have electronics, will travel ;-)

And that's about it. I'm ready to go. I have my book and my music ready, so I'm good :-) Now bring on my nine hours plus flight!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I will be doing something of a photo blog while I'm gone for these three weeks, so I hope that some of you will come by and see what I'm up to. I'm figuring that it may be a case of impressions rather than activities that I photograph, but you never know. At least it will give you an idea of how I'm taking the whole experience of being home. I'm really looking forward to this trip :-)

Well I will leave it here for now. I'll be checking in from the other side of the Atlantic in the next few days. Take care and I'll talk to you later! :-)

Friday, June 04, 2010

Packing and Some Pictures From Salisbury

Happy Friday everyone! :-) I'm still making my lists for my trip. I have started a series of stacks of clothes to take and I keep adding and subtracting from those stacks. I'm going to be back home for nearly three weeks, but I won't take that many outfits...lifting a suitcase like that would surely break my back ;-) So in order to spare my back I'm thinking strategically with the packing. Never fear. I'm pulling it all together :-)

Anyway, yesterday I took a break from thinking about my trip. Brit Boy and I went to Salisbury to do some errands and things. While we were there, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and wandered down to Salisbury Cathedral. It was wonderful. People were scattered around the lawn surrounding the cathedral, soaking up the sun and enjoying themselves. It was one of those perfectly sunny days that we don't get around here very much :-)

I snapped a few photos to let you all see the beautiful view from the cloisters, near the entrance to the cathedral. I love looking out through the lovely carvings up towards the spire. I hope you enjoy these photos!

Have a great weekend everyone! In my next post, I'll show you the chaos that is my packing ;-)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Weekend and An Upcoming Trip

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a bank holiday here yesterday that coincided with Memorial Day back home in the US. So it was a longer weekend. For the most part we hung out around home, except for Brit Boy's trip on Saturday.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Brit Boy went to see his favorite team play at Wembley on Saturday. Well, they didn’t win, but he really enjoyed the whole experience. I’m glad that he had such a good time. Check out his blog post about it here. While he was at Wembley, I stayed at home and chilled ;-)

When I wasn’t on the sofa this weekend, I was planning out things for my upcoming trip. I’m really excited because I’m going home to Georgia for a good long visit :-) Brit Boy accompanied me on the trip back in November, but this time I’m going on my own. He’s fine about it though. He will be fully engrossed in watching the World Cup while I’m gone…he will be in sporty bliss…LOL.

I’ll be back home in Georgia for nearly three weeks, so I’ll have plenty of time to relax, catch up with friends and family, and get invigorated. I love living here, but sometimes no matter where you are, you just need a change of scenery sometimes, you know :-) So it will just be good to get the jumpstart that I’m needing right now. I’ve been having a bit of wanderlust lately, so this will be just what the doctor ordered. I just hope that the weather is sunny when I get to Georgia…if it is, it will be like a tonic ;-)

While I’m gone, I’m gonna try to post a couple of photos each week to let you see what I’m seeing or doing on my adventure home. It will be sort of like a photo blog for this period of time I guess. I don’t know what the photos will be depicting, but that’s the fun in it…who knows what will show up in the photos…that’s the beauty of it all :-) So I’m intrigued to see what develops and I hope that you’ll check in to see what I have to share.

I don’t leave until next week, but now that the day is drawing near, the days are going fast. I’m busy making lists and thinking about what to pack and more importantly…what NOT to pack…LOL. Decisions…decisions.

So I’m off now to add to my list. I’ll be sharing my progress this week as I prepare for my trip across the Atlantic. :-) Have a great week!