
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back home and to all who celebrate the holiday! :)

I hope that you have a wonderful day with your family and friends.

I am thankful for everyone who comes here to read my blog...you are appreciated :)

By the way, this is my 800th post! Wow! That's a lot of posts. Here's to the next hundred and even the next 800! I hope that you'll come back and visit me again.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Hopeful Bench

I took this photo over the weekend while I was in the passenger seat, as hubby and I were out and about doing our Saturday errands. As I've mentioned before, I love trees...whether they have leaves of green or various colors or even when the leaves have fallen off or been blown away by the wind. Every since I was a little girl, they've always given me comfort. I'm not ashamed to say that when I was a little girl, I even talked to them. They listened to me. I know it may sound crazy, but I don't care...those talks got me through a lot as a kid. It was sort of like having an early diary and the trees were taking dictation  :)

These are trying times in our world, but I know that we will get through them. We always do somehow. So when I saw these beautiful trees on that steely grey Saturday morning, I had this thought and these are the words that I shared with this picture on Instagram.

"The leaves are gone for now, but the beauty still remains." 
- Me

The world is still a beautiful place despite the crap that happens daily. I'm not naive by any stretch of the imagination, but I always try to be hopeful with a side order of skepticism. So that's where you'll find me...over here on the hopeful bench ;-)

Have a wonderful day wherever you are!

Wednesday, November 09, 2016


The election is over and I'm glad about that, but it's an understatement to say that I'm not happy about the outcome. I have no words of wisdom. All I can say is that I think of my parents and ancestors in moments like this and I think of what they would do. And with that in mind, I know that I must get up and get on with this day and do my best to make things right in my own way. I'm ready.

So on that note, I'm just gonna share this picture that I took over the weekend. Sharing a bit of beautiful on this rainy day seems right to me.

Now we go forward...

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Saturday Evening

I'm enjoying taking in the slower vibe of this weekend. As I mentioned on Friday, I'm working on getting back to some things that I love. I got a new can of chai so....yay!!!! :) And I've been working on my book. 

While I'm having my chilled out weekend, I've also been soaking up the good things and for me that often means a bit of nature. I took this picture yesterday evening as the sun was going down. I love the mellow vibe and I love that gorgeous color in the sky. Saturday evenings are my favorite.

I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend wherever you are :)

Friday, November 04, 2016

Weekend Drinks and Writing

Happy Weekend!

It's a rainy day here in Wiltshire, but I don't mind so much as long as the rain doesn't last all weekend ;-)  The rain is just gently dripping off the trees, so it gives things a bit of atmosphere. It's perfect weather for writing which is what I plan to do today and most of the weekend. I'm kind of unofficially participating in Nanowrimo...kinda sorta :) I've participated before and I must admit that I didn't get very far, but my writerly mind is in a better place than in years past, so I'm gonna see what I can do. It's hilarious to me though that I didn't officially sign up. I'm not chicken, I just need a nap :) So I thought that perhaps I'd just be unofficial this year and under the radar a bit and see what blooms or doesn't. I'll keep you posted :)

Yeah, I think that that's what I'll be doing this weekend....visiting my characters who have been left in limbo for too long lately. It'll be great to be surrounded by these "people" that I like :)

One other thing that I'm gonna have a bit of this weekend is this (see below).

I absolutely love this Drink Me Chai. It's got just the right hint of spiciness...I love my spices ;-) I had my last bit of it today, so I'll have to pick up another can tomorrow when I do my grocery shopping. It's delicious and fits in very well with my favorite season...fall! I wasn't paid to say this, it's just one of my favorite things ;-)

What are your plans for the weekend? Whatever you do, I hope that it's lots of fun!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Hello November

Happy New Month!

Here's to a wonderful month ahead :)