
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Weekend Pursuits

I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend wherever you are!

I like weekends like this. It's a three day weekend here and back home...the bank holiday weekend here and Memorial Day weekend back home, so no work on Monday. Yay! :)

I've been out doing a bit of gardening earlier today. I re-potted my two ferns that had totally outgrown their pots. I have a standard fern and then a maidenhair fern which I've mentioned here.  They both have come back from the dead almost and now they're thriving. So today my ferns got their own new "apartments" aka new pots :) Once they've settled in I'll have to share photos.

The photo above is one of the beautiful pink roses that grows in our back yard. I took this a year or so ago, but I thought that I'd share it again because it's so beautiful and it reminds me that summer is right around the corner.

Happy weekend!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Finding My Way

I found this photo above yesterday...it's from my early days of blogging. It's well over a decade old. It's a bit blurry, but there's something about it for me personally. I didn't go looking for this photo specifically, but I stumbled across it and it spoke to me. It reminds me of seemingly "simpler times"...or maybe not that simple, but it was taken during a time when I felt a bit more at peace. I love this photo because it prominently features nature...especially the beauty of a spring day. That bench looks so inviting. I remember the day when I took this. It's a visual representation of where I go in my mind or at least try to when things get tough. 

Here's to finding my way back to this bench in my mind's eye more and more. I'm working on it. Today was better than yesterday :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Rest in Peace Doris Day

As many already know, yesterday, Doris Day passed away at the age of 97. I was a big fan of her work as many were. She lived a long life and left behind such a glorious body of work.

I became a fan when I was a little girl. As I've mentioned here before, I used to spend many Saturday and Sunday afternoons especially, watching classic movies from Hollywood's golden era. I loved musicals especially and Doris Day's beautiful voice was front and center in so much that I loved.

I liked all of her films, but my favorite is Young at Heart, which also starred Frank Sinatra. It was beautifully shot and I love to catch it every time it's on television. If you'd like, please check out this clip from the end of the film here. It features Doris Day and Frank Sinatra singing together. It's a lovely end to a wonderful film.

Rest in peace to both of them...they left great contributions to film and to music behind for us to enjoy always.

Sunday, May 05, 2019


Happy Sunday!

The photo above features my beautiful maidenhair fern. She's a bit of a resurrection and renewal story for real. Half of her had gone all brown and yellow only a couple of months ago. She was in a sad state. I'm not as green thumbed as my mother was, but I'm working on becoming a better gardener. I love the peace that it brings.

I realized that I was overwatering her and perhaps the bone-chilling ongoing cold of our Wiltshire weather was not helping. Before, I tried to think of what my mom would do and then after thinking it through, I realized that I was overwatering my fern. I thought that I was doing what was right, but I realized that I was suffocating her...drowning her...so I took a step back. And guess what? She's been flourishing :) It's been a lesson for me to relax a bit more in growing as a gardener, but also in my life. The lessons are there and I'm listening.

Have a good Sunday wherever you are :)

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Early Morning, Late Night Rambling

It's 2am-ish on Saturday morning and I'm still up.Well, I did fall asleep earlier in the evening and then woke up again at about twenty minutes to midnight. So I guess this is understandable :) I'll probably fall asleep again in a bit, but I thought that I'd come here and check in. I'm trying to get back to regularly blogging because I miss it and I need to get back to regularly writing. I need to get some momentum going. I've been really off in so many areas of my life lately, so this is me trying to pull the figurative car back on the road of life again. So excuse me if I ramble a bit.

I took the photo above today on the way home from work as I rode along on the bus. The sky looked so ominous and yet it was dramatic and beautiful. It was my favorite shade of blue :) If you've been here before, you know that I LOVE BLUE!

This has been a bit of an odd week. I'm going through some challenges. I'm at that point when you begin to realize that there's nothing to be done in a situation, so you have to just wait it out. It's a pain in the backside, but it is what it is. Both situations could be easily fixed really, but I'm sadly at the mercy of bureaucracy with a side portion of ridiculousness thrown in, so I'm in waiting mode. (sigh) Oh well. Things will work out eventually.

Back to my photo...nature is beautiful, even when it's about to throw down :)

Anyway, I guess that I'd better try to get some sleep. This tiny bit of rambling has helped me.

Good night or good morning....

Wednesday, May 01, 2019