
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Letting Go and Light

Last week was a trying week in so many ways.

There was a lot on my plate and some of those things are still piled high on my plate, but I'm really trying to get into the frame of mind to just dump that plate and start fresh. Spinning my wheels has gotten me nowhere.

Quite often, life hands us things which are completely out of our control, so the thing that we have left is how we react. I know that life can be very complicated and very unfair, but sometimes you just have to let go for your own sanity.

In this new week ahead, I'm just going to do my best to roll with things and trust that things will work out. I'm gonna let the sunshine into the shadowy places wherever I can and do the best I can.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Checking In

It's been two weeks since I've written here. It's mostly because I haven't been well and also work has kept me very busy. I've been spending time close to bed for the last couple of days as I've been recuperating. I hate not feeling well, but actually it's a blessing in disguise because it's given me a couple of days at home and a bit of time to center myself. 

I just wanted to check in to say hi, so if anyone is out there...HELLO :)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday Night Check-In

I thought that I'd just stop by for a quick hello post since it's been ten days since I've written here. It's after 11pm. I need to be in bed, because I have to get up early for work tomorrow morning, but I'm in need of something to break the monotony of every week day. Taking a moment to check in with something I love will sustain me as I go about my workday tomorrow. The plus is that tomorrow is Friday and that's one of my favorites since it leads into the weekend...and I'm sure that I'm not the only one :) Also by the way, I was born on a Friday, so I'm partial to Fridays.

I've posted the photo above before, but I like to use it as a tool for peacefulness. When I look at this photo, I can easily imagine that I'm sitting right there :) 

Well, enough of my rambling...I guess that I'll head to bed. 

Wherever you are, I hope that you have a lovely weekend!

Monday, July 01, 2019

Hello July

One of the beautiful peonies
that I bought recently in town

It's a new month...a new beginning...a fresh start...a time of new opportunities. It's also the second half of 2019 and that always inspires me to take stock for a moment, as I move forward into the second half of each year.

Today is also the first weekday of my vacation from work and I am truly overjoyed about that! I'm grateful to have a job, but we all need a break every once in a while. It's been a tough time at work lately, so I'm long overdue for a break in order to get myself together again. I'm truly grateful for this break.

I hope that whomever is reading this...if anyone is anymore 🙂, that July brings good things into your life. Here's to a fresh now month!