
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Late Summer Spring Cleaning

I took the photo above a couple of months ago and I've shared it here at that time, but it fits well in partially describing what the weather was like today. It's been very windy...very windy and rainy...and there's even been some sunshine as the evening set in. It's been varied. Still, I've enjoyed the day. 

I've done a bit of sorting through my pile of books on the floor and the spot has now been cleared, so I feel accomplished. Things are in their rightful place. For a few weeks I've stepped around this pile of books and I've told myself that I'll tidy it up over the weekend and yet it seems to never get done. Today I finally attacked it and I must say that it felt good. This was only a small spot on the bedroom floor, but it dramatically shifted the energy immediately! Now I'm ready to tackle more. I know that I don't have the luxury of a lot of time to declutter the house from top to bottom in a weekend, but I'm going to take it bit by bit over the next few weeks. Our house isn't a mess, filled with wall-to-wall clutter at all. It's just that I feel the need to clear the energy I guess. It's like a spring cleaning that I didn't get around to so it's happening in the late summer :) 

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Rest in Peace Ms. Toni Morrison

I never had the pleasure of meeting this amazing woman, but I will be forever grateful for having been on Earth while she was here. Her books have had such a profound effect upon my life. She was a TRUE WRITER and a TRUTH-TELLER. She gave voice to the Black American experience, especially that of Black women, in a way that was so authentic. She was definitely given a Divine assignment while she was here. Her words...in her books and as she spoke in that elegantly-toned voice of hers, were from somewhere special and so was she. Her words always rang with a clarity that just cut through all of the crap of life. I have admired her for as long as I can remember, as a writer and as a woman. I will miss knowing that she is somewhere in this world, but I take comfort in knowing that she is now with the ancestors and has most definitely taken her rightful place as an ancestor. She has left her words and wisdom here for us to learn from and to cherish for all time. Thank you Ms. Morrison for giving us more than I could ever describe in words. Farewell...

"If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it."

"If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet,
 you must be the one to write it."

"Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all."

- Toni Morrison