
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Brit Boy and I are going to have our own celebration here today for two. I love that even though Brit Boy and I have roots on either side of the Atlantic Ocean, we both celebrate each other's traditions. When we were married, we married our experiences together and so we celebrate all that we are together. (smile)

So I wish all who celebrate this day, a wonderful holiday and to those who don't celebrate this day, I certainly wish you a wonderful Saturday and weekend!


  1. I'm glad that you celebrate each others holidays together.Big hug to you and brit Boy.happy 4th.Thanks for stopping by and showing me so much support.

  2. Aaah. That is lovely. That is what marriage is all about!

  3. That's a great thing to do. Have a happy holiday:)

  4. we brits hosted a fouth of july party at our house..ironic huh?? ;-)

  5. I hope you had a nice little celebration :o)
    Stop by my place when you have a minute, I have an award for you.

  6. My in-laws lived in England for over 3 years, and they loved celebrating 4th of July in England! That is so great that you guys celebrate each others' traditions.

    Long time no see in bloggy world! I haven't been here since I took down my Entrecard. I'm glad to stop in again - I always enjoyed your blog. Now I'm bookmarking you...

  7. I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. I love that others do like me and Brit Boy. We enjoyed our Fourth of July weekend around here :) Thanks to everyone for commenting.

    I will be stopping by to pick it up and thank you so much my friend :)


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