
Monday, August 03, 2009

Mini Cam Moments in Salisbury

Last Tuesday I went along with Brit Boy for an appointment he had in Salisbury. I’ve been meaning to share a bit about it, but I’ve been doing school work for the last few days and am now just getting caught up.

A few days before, I was looking around some stored things and found my mini video camera that I’ve had for years and never use anymore. The camera is very tiny and old school and makes funny little pixelated, jumpy movies. (smile) It gives the movies a zany quality that I like. We have a new video camera, but now that I’ve found this one again, I’m going to use it and make my funny little movies. (smile) So here’s my first video in my series. I’m calling my series “My Mini Cam Moments”. I’ll be doing them periodically and sharing them here. This video is a test of sorts that I did to see if it’s still working.

This is a short video of us driving into Salisbury with a view of lovely Salisbury Cathedral in the distance with a few groups of trees along the way. (laugh) Enjoy!

Also, I took a couple of photos of the flowers on display along the way here and there. The first one was taken along the road in Salisbury where I recorded the video.

This second photo is in a village along the way back home. I just thought that both flower displays were beautiful and so summery. I hope you enjoy seeing what I see when we’re out. (smile)

Well, that’s all for now. We won’t be going to Salisbury this week, but if we go anywhere good, I’ll certainly share it here. Happy August!


  1. Just loved the photos. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love flowers that are everywhere right now. It seems a good trade off for all the rain we've been having. Things are so green here in contrast to the gray/grey skies.

    I like the idea of having video moments. I've been considering it, but I think I have to pay for an upgrade in order to put it on my wordpress site.

  3. The flowers are just so beautiful. It makes a city setting so much more lovely when basket of flowers are everywhere. I enjoyed journeying with you.

  4. Hi,

    Thanks so much for dropping by at Empty Streets 1027 via Entrecard :) Am here to return the favor and to see what great stuff you have here :)

    Hope to see yah around again and do enjoy your week :) xoxo

    Empty Streets 1027

  5. Great pics and the vid is nice too. Whenever I go on a trip my video camera is always handy.


  6. Hello Dori,

    I love flowers. I just don't make enough time to plant and tend to them these days. I'm still going through a de-cluttering stage in my life to make more time for the things I love.

    Thanks for sharing the journey with your cam. :-)

  7. Writing Instinct,
    So glad you like the photos. I hope to share more soon. Have a great weekend :)

    Gifts of The Journey,
    Yeah, the flowers are lovely right now. As you said, I guess that's the up side of all this rain :) I'm liking doing the video moments already so watch this space for more and better ones :) Have a great weekend.

    Mountain Woman,
    Yes, I love the flower displays like that. They really brighten things up a lot. Have a great weekend :)

    Empty Streets,
    Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I will be visiting you and dropping again. Have a great weekend :)

    Mike Foster,
    Glad you like my photos and my video. I've got to get good with my videos like you :) Now that I've found my tiny retro camera, I'm taking it everywhere with me too. Have a wonderful weekend :)

    Yeah, flowers just make everything brighter. I hope that you find a good balance in your life soon :) I hope to share many more videos soon. I'm liking doing this already. Have a great weekend:)


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