Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hello everybody! :-) I just wanted to check in and wish everyone who celebrates, a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I love the food of course, but most of all, I love that is a day set aside to be grateful. Gratitude is the key. And yes, I try my best to be grateful everyday, but I just love that on this day, many of us share our gratitude and I think that is so powerful. Because when you break it all's all about love and that can't be a bad thing :-)

So I send a big Happy Thanksgiving to all of my family and friends back home and to those that I've never met :-)

P.S. ~ I know that I was supposed to tell you about the big foot today, but I will definitely do that next time. Sorry I've not posted in several days. I've been having some health issues, but things are going to be okay :-) Take care and have a great day and I'll be back with my big foot story next time!


Mike Golch said...

Dori,Celestine and I wih you and Brit Boy a great thanksgiving as well.

Duni said...

I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and I hope you are feeling better today! Take care,


SE'LAH... said...

Hope your thanksgiving was wonderful. welcome December...wishing you a happy holiday season

one love.

j said...

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one Dori. I also hope everything is ok.

Dori said...

I hope that you and Celestine has a great Thanksgiving too. Brit Boy and I had a great day :)

Thank you...we had a good day! I'll keep you posted about how I'm doing :)

Yes, welcome December! :) Wishing you a great holiday season too. One love :)

Thank you and we did have a good Thanksgiving. I hope yours was great too. I'm doing fine right now, so I'm hoping for the best :)

Sandra Rose Hughes said...

Dori- did you and your husband celebrate Thanksgiving together? I know it's mainly an American Holiday, but did you still get to?

Simone Rene said...

Hi Dori! I know I'm late but I wanted to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season!pssssssst I had an extra slice of sweet potato pie just for you ;)

Dori said...

Yes, we did celebrate and even threw in a little Thanksgiving Skyping to the folks back home :) It was really fun! That's one of the cool things about life for me these days...I get to celebrate things on this side of the pond and also celebrate my American holidays too...the best of both :) Thanks so much for visiting me!

Thanks for dropping by and I wish you the best of the Holiday Season too! :) And hey, thanks for having that sweet potato pie in my Mmmm, my favorite! :)