
Friday, April 22, 2011

A Glorious Day

(Photo courtesy of NASA)

I wanted to wish a HAPPY EARTH DAY to everyone! My heart sings with love for this beautiful planet that we call home :-)

And I can certainly not forget Good Friday and all that it conjures up for me. This Easter season immediately reminds me of my days growing up back in Georgia. Easter was always one of my very favorite times of the year and it always brings feelings of renewal to my mind. When I was a child, we would prepare an Easter program at church and it was a glorious tradition. All of us kids would participate by singing and/or reciting what we called Easter speeches. The Easter speeches were poetic pieces that we learned by heart and recited to the congregation and our proud parents. I look back now and realize how lucky we all were to be able to have that sense of community. Those times live now only in my memories, but I'm glad that they're mine forever :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. My sweet friend!

    Happy Easter!

    Good thoughts! Good heart!

    And... lets go to eat chocolates too! rssss.... Sometimes, I am a kid!


  2. Have a wonderful Easter weekend too! I hope your day is sunny and bright and that our earth is celebrated in every way possible. :-)


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