
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Yellow Roses at the Yellow House

Hello everybody! I'm a bit behind with my blogging again, but things have been crazy around here lately. I won't bore you with the details, but I'll just mention one thing of many...maintenance issues...LOL. There's a history of this issue around the Yellow House and our landlord is slow about fixing things...but anyway onward and upward :) All is well for now...

So I've gotten behind on posting here and I have some things that I've wanted to blog about from cooking to upcoming trips. Therefore, I'll do my best to get caught up over the next several days with a good old-fashioned blogging/purging exercise! Some of what I post may be garbage and some may be more interesting, but I just love to share no matter what...so here goes ;-)

In my last post I shared some pics that I took of our backyard and I really liked how those turned out. Well...just as I will do with my cooking posts in the future sometimes, I will share the good and not so good. lol. In a future post I'm going to share my kitchen shenanigans with melting chocolate and it coming out smelling a bit smoky...LOL. I saved it in the end though and made a tasty chocolate cake. Anyway, back to my current post of my mishaps. lol. This mishap isn't of the cooking variety, it's a photo mishap that isn't terrible, but isn't fantastic either. However I'm really embracing the whole releasing perfection a lot these days, so this is good for me. I don't know...I have this thing about admiring my bad photos. As I've said before, I'm easily amused and honoring imperfection is so fun :-)

So here are a couple of photos that I took a few days ago of the yellow roses in our front yard...yellow roses at the Yellow House ;-) I love yellow roses and I love taking photos through the frame of this window. It has a cottage feeling to the view, so I like to fool around with capturing the world framed through that window. I'm rambling. LOL. One day I may share several of my photos through that window in color and black and white. Okay, anyway, this one is a bit fuzzy, but I like that it's kinda dark. I'm no pro, but I love fooling around with my camera.

This other one is less fuzzy and you can see the roses better.

Well, that's my share for today...it's sort of like the show and tell that we used to do when I was in elementary school many moons ago :-) I hope you've enjoyed a peek at my photos and now that things are quieting down a bit I'll be posting more. We have another trip to London coming up in a couple of weeks and I'll give you a hint...people will be wearing white and carrying tennis rackets. It won't be me though...because I'd pass out from exhaustion. LOL.

Until next time...have a great day!


  1. I have a new point and shoot camera. I point it, it shoots. We do not agree on what the photos should look like. I'm glad it isn't jut me:)

  2. Terrific site! I am now your newest follower, since I found you on Manzi’s site. She is fabulous. I invite you to follow my blogs as well. Thank you!

    The Disconnected Writer http://thedisconnectedwriter.blogspot.com/

    JJ Botta – Freelance Writer http://jjbotta.blogspot.com/

  3. Love your blog!
    Hiya! Newest follower from The Follow Friday 40 and Over Hop-- please stop by and say hello! Would love if ya followed back!
    The Purple Goddess

  4. Gorgeous flowers!! I'm partial to yellow roses so I'm loving these!! Have a great weekend. I just became your newest "follower" thru "follow me Friday." Stop by if you get the chance!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  5. Hi, just popped over from Java’s Follow Friday bloghop :)

  6. I have always loved yellow roses!

  7. 40+ hobbling, oh hopping, over to follow you! Come follow me? Weidknecht.blogspot.com

  8. American in Bath,
    I totally agree with you...those cameras have their own minds. LOL.

    Thanks! I will definitely be coming over to follow you! :)

    Thank you! I'm so glad to meet you. I'm heading over to follow you too! :)

    Yes, yellow roses are exquisite aren't they? :) I hope you have a great weekend too. I'm heading over to follow your right now. Thanks so much for following me!

    Blogger Formerly Known As,
    Hello. Thanks for visiting. I'm heading over to return the visit :)

    Thanks for the invite! I'm heading over now and I'll be following you too! Have a great weekend! :)

    Me too! Have a great weekend! :)

    Thanks so much for hopping on over :) I'll be returning your visit right now!

  9. Thanks for participating in the Planet Weidknecht Sunday Hop! I hope you will come join us again next Sunday. ~Lisa

  10. LisaWeidknecht,
    I was so happy to participate. I won't be able to come by this Sunday, but I'll surely come the next Sunday :)It was lots of fun! Have a great weekend!


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