
Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Quick Sunday Note

Hello :-) I can't believe that my catching up post was nearly three weeks ago. Eek! Time does fly. I'm still in the thick of studying, but this current course is coming to a close. I've received my new textbooks for my second year so it's good to see progress. And I'm happy about that!

I mentioned in my last post that I'd be sharing some pics again and I will in this new week we have ahead of us :-) I'm going to share a kind of hodgepodge of pics over the last three weeks I think. I remember that I used to do this sometimes in my early days of blogging and perhaps it will be a breath of fresh air. I feel the need for a bit of a new direction, or in this case a revisiting of an old direction that can be new again. Besides, I'm always snapping photos, so I could be sharing just about anything...within reason and decorum ;-) Yes, I think that's what I will do...share some random photos to invigorate things around my blog here and stop these darned tumbleweeds in their tracks!

So I hope that you will come back and visit me early this week and see what's been happening around The Yellow House! Until then...have a great rest of the weekend...

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Catching Up

Hello...I just wanted to drop in for a quick minute to let you all know that I haven't deserted my blog :) I'll be back in a couple of days to post some more pics and after that I'll write more again. I've been swamped with work for school. It's coming down to the wire right now...yay!!! However, I start right back up again within days on another level ;-) It's challenging work, but I'm truly enjoying it, so I have no complaints.

I've been storing up things to write about so hopefully the blogging well won't go dry for a while. I still have food posts that I want to share and they've really piled up, so be forewarned...lol.

I hope everyone has a good day!