
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Catching Up

Hello...I just wanted to drop in for a quick minute to let you all know that I haven't deserted my blog :) I'll be back in a couple of days to post some more pics and after that I'll write more again. I've been swamped with work for school. It's coming down to the wire right now...yay!!! However, I start right back up again within days on another level ;-) It's challenging work, but I'm truly enjoying it, so I have no complaints.

I've been storing up things to write about so hopefully the blogging well won't go dry for a while. I still have food posts that I want to share and they've really piled up, so be forewarned...lol.

I hope everyone has a good day!


  1. Hope you're enjoying your summer Dori! Take your time returning.

  2. It doesn't matter what you do and where you are - as long as you have fun! :)

  3. Life does indeed come first Kiddo!!!

  4. Emm,
    Yes, I'm enjoying the summer and I hope that you're enjoying yours too :) Thanks for the support!

    Absolutely...I fully agree! I hope that you're having lots of fun too :)

    Yes indeed...my thoughts exactly. Have a great day :)

  5. Hi im a new follower from the blog hop.
    Im British and living in south East UK. I hope you are enjoying living over here lol
    Love it if you could visit me over at my blog anytime

  6. Sounds busy but rewarding!! Cant wait to hear all food goodies!

  7. Hi Dori! Sounds busy! Glad you are enhjoying it though! Hope to see your food posts soon!

  8. Hope your studies are going well... You have been silent of late, so I assume you are still swamped. Keep us posted. Thinking of you! :-)

  9. Dori is common friends bloggers take a break with the activities on their blogs. Increasingly we are busy. It seems that the shortened hours of watches!

    "I've been storing up things" me too ... rsss...


  10. Thanks everyone for visiting! I'm getting my blogging engine going slowly but surely :)


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