
Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunrise in Wiltshire

Hello all! I hope that everyone had a good weekend. Mine was good. Brit Boy and I mostly stayed around home, but we did venture out to do a bit of grocery shopping. We also caught up on some tv recordings that we had stored up during the week. I didn't have a baking weekend like last weekend, but I'll be back at it soon enough :) My cold has gotten a lot better, and I'm hoping that I'll see the back of it by the end of the week. Yay!

No photos today of my quirky bread attempts, but I did take some quick photos of the beautiful colors in the sky this morning. It was extraordinary. There is just something magical about sunrises and sunsets! These photos were taken from inside, through the windows since I wasn't dressed to go outside when I took them. But I hope that they convey what I saw when I looked outside. Enjoy...and have a good day!


  1. Lovely photos! I've just moved from England to Charlotte, NC, and sunrises there (those autumnal colours) are something I miss. And Walkers crisps! :D So glad I found your blog. Will be checking in regularly from now on.


  2. Beautiful colors! I usually bake a coffee cake on Sundays. Make a nice dinner with leftovers for Monday lunches, too. Have a great week, Dori!

  3. Hi Dori,

    How is so beautiful the sunset. I love the colors in the sky left by the sun.


  4. These are great indoor photos. Can't tell at all.


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