
Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Bit of Heather

Hello! :-)

Here is my slightly fuzzy photo of our pot of heather in the kitchen window. I love having the heather there when I'm looking out the window as I wash dishes. I hate washing dishes, but this cute little heather plan cheers things up a bit. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm in the mood to share more of the numerous photos that I take regularly. I really enjoyed sharing my pics in the past, so I'm going to return to that. I really enjoy looking at other people's pictures on their blogs, so I hope that you enjoy seeing a bit of my life and my surroundings here. I'm getting back to my original purpose for writing this blog...to share my experience of living here with anyone who wants to take a peek! :-) I will still be sharing reviews of different products from time to time and I think that this reset of sorts will hopefully be a good mix. So I hope that you enjoy visiting me!

I have some photos from our recent trip to Bath that I will share in a few days. I didn't get a huge amount of photos, but I got a few. One day I will have to share some of the older photos of Bath that I have in my archives, because I have better representations of that beautiful place. I LOVE going to Bath! It is one of my two favorite places that I've visited in England. It is just gorgeous. If you haven't ever had the chance to visit, you should definitely put it on your list to visit one day :-)

Until next time...

Dori ~ From a Yellow House


  1. Dori,

    After reading your post, I remembered an old post when showed the landscape through the window (I think it was the kitchen) and had a rose.


  2. Sissym,

    You have a great memory my friend :) Yes, it was the kitchen window. I love taking photos in the window. Hugs!


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