
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Shattered Burgers

Look at what's happened to our timer....

We've had it a little bit over a year and now it is no more. Boo hoo! I LOVED our burger food timer, but alas it shattered over the weekend. I dropped it and one half of the bun went one way, one half went the other and the inner workings scattered. I tried to fix it, but the white disc that you see here now has a chip out of it and a piece is missing, so it will not work. Darn! Oh well...

I remember where we got it so we're gonna go by there sometime and see if they have anymore. It's nothing fancy and kind of kitschy, but it was our little inexpensive fun timer and we loved it. If you ever want to know about our sense of humor around the Yellow House, just think about what our food timer looks like. We like to have fun. That's us...no apologies  :-)

So when we get our new timer or something else that suits us, I'll share it here. Have a good day!


  1. Aww, I hate it when my kitchen tools get broke. Glad you can fin another one!

  2. The last time I used a timer was when I was in school :) These days - I use my phone. But the burger timer looks awesome. You definitely have to get the same one again!

  3. Stacie,
    Me too! I love kitchen stuff. I'll post a pic when we get a new one :)

    I know what you mean. A timer is old school these days, but I love the kitsch factor. LOL. I've been using my ipod since our burger broke though. Glad you and Stacie like my burger timer. I'll post about the new one soon :)

    Thanks to you both for commenting!


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