
Friday, April 25, 2014

Taking a Look at My Pictures 2

So today I thought that I'd share another one of my photos that I took a while back. It's another photo from a visit to Avebury. There seems to be a theme here since my previous picture post was from Avebury too. It's a really pretty spot in the world though, so there's always something to take a picture of.

This is a shot of the trees along the edge of one path. As you can see there are no leaves on the trees, but I love a tree like this. Of course I love a beautiful, green leafy tree, but there's something so beautiful also about a tree revealing itself like this with no leaves. To me they look like art as the branches pierce the sky. I love them!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Your photo is so beautiful. I love the black and white. It truly captures the beauty of the trees. Have a wonderful day!! xo

    ~ Wendy

  2. Wendy,

    Thank you so much!Yes, I love taking photos in black and white. It does bring images alive. You have a wonderful day also :)


  3. Dori,

    I have always enjoyed the rich details of black and white;


  4. Sissym,

    Yes! I love black and white photos too. It gives such a depth to images. Hugs :)


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