Monday, January 19, 2015

2015 For Me Now

Hi there! :-)

This is more like a New Year's post of sorts because I'm so behind due to being sick. You know what it's like...when you're put out of commission like that, everything falls behind. So I'm about three weeks behind, but I'm getting back on track. Lol.

I'm usually one of those people who plans a bit at the end of the year that's ending in order to have myself in the right frame of mind when January 1st arrives. I know that we can't plan everything and it's not an obsessive thing on my part, but I'm the kind of person who likes to assess things right before I move into the next phase. I usually journal a little bit. Even though I didn't get to experience things like I wanted I just let it go and didn't worry. I accepted the fact that I was sick and that I needed to get well so everything else went out the window. So as Big Ben struck midnight, I rolled over to watch it on television about thirty seconds before midnight. Once the bells tolled and I saw a few fireworks, I turned the television off and went to sleep. I was REALLY feeling bad! Lol.

When I woke up on New Year's Day I just took it easy. It was the ultimate in living in the moment. New Year's Day is bittersweet for me over these last few years since it's the anniversary of my mom passing away. It was hard those first years, especially since I was living so far away from everything that I knew. It was extremely tough, but with time I've learned to live with it. I'll never get over losing her or my father...I don't imagine that anyone does, but for me I just accept it and do my best to move forward. I always carry their memory in my heart.

New Year's Day is still a day that I love because it starts a fresh new year. I'm usually quite lowkey on that day. This year I was that way even more because I was under the weather. It was a good day though considering, so I'm grateful for that.

Anyway, now that we're about three weeks into 2015 I'm finally feeling like I'm catching up with everyone else :-) Even though my fresh 2015 came in rather slow and delayed, I'm now in the frame of mind to go forward.

I hope that everyone is having a great 2015 so far and I hope the whole year is great! :-)

I'm going to be posting on a more regular schedule this year whenever possible so please visit me again when you can :-) I feel the need to bring more of myself back into my space here, like I did almost seven years ago when I started this blog. I've gone away from my original theme in the last while, so I'm excited to share more of me here again. I'll be back with more details about my posting schedule in a couple of days. Until then, thank you for visiting me and I hope you have a good day!

And to everyone back home, I wish you a wonderful Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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