
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lesson Learned

Hi :)

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. It's been several days since my last post. I'm still very excited to get back to blogging, however, I haven't been feeling so good again. All will be well though. I feel pretty good today, but I think that I've been pushing myself to feel 100% better before it actually happens organically. So I'm having to learn to pace myself a lot better. It's all about balance.

This is actually a good lesson for me. My body is teaching me that sometimes you just need to slow down and catch your breath literally and figuratively and be in the moment :) This has been shown to me time and time again before, but THIS TIME I got it. Older and wiser maybe...hmm ;-)

Anyway, like I said, I'm doing fine today and will be posting again in a couple of days. Don't worry though. I'm not rushing myself...I've learned my lesson :)

Have a great day wherever you are!


  1. Hi Dori!

    I learned to relax, but I want more in order to have better quality of life.


  2. Hi Sissym,

    I agree. It's all about balance...getting your rest and then having the energy to go for what you want in life :) Hugs!


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